

Name: Jerome Bradford Benner II

Quote: (me eating peanuts) hey romie you want some of these nuts?
Romie: Do you want some of THESE nuts?

Great Memories: In 6th grade we were doing a play on Rumplestilstkin and this girl named kim and the main part in the play and hadnt even looked at her lines once, so the other group was in there for like an hour while she sputtered away. Our group was out in the hall bored out of our minds. Romie taks off his shoe, grabs a school patrol flag and says "you wanna play hockey?". for the next 45 minutes we spent doing shoot-outs with a shoe and pole in the hallway. Classic.

Romie's been a great friend of mine since 2nd grade. He's the only person I've EVER talked to on the phone just for conversation. Even though he's easy to rip on, he's got some of the best comeback jokes ever. Keep it real milk dud.