

Name: Samuel Kolupailo

Quote: FECES! I'm Wallowing in my own FECES

Great Memories: Sam comes over to my house and finds my orthodontic headgear and puts it on. Then we bust out my video camera and reenact a story we read in the newspaper about an old lady who pooped herself and was not checked on for 24 straight hours so she was wallowing in her own feces, even though a maid had come in. So sam's on the couch with the headgear on and i'm vaccuuming around him and he's yelling "Somebody help Me! I'm wallowing in my own feces! FECES!

Sam was so tight when he wasn't throwing books around at ms kampa. Too bad he had to go be gay and go to roseville...or is the gay one ME for staying at st. agnes. hmmmmm